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"Sacred sounds pour forth blessings and open a path throughout nature straight to the Divine" Thoth

Hathor, is the goddess of music and transformation in ancient Egypt.

She is also known as the goddess of motherhood, joy and love. From the earliest times, she was always associated with women's health in body and mind. Also associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and with Venus by the Romans. 

The sistrum is her musical instrument which she used to drive evil from the land and inspire goodness.

Referred as "the great one of many names", she had many titles which made her very important in every sphere of ancient Egyptian life from birth until death. One of the most worshiped goddesses in ancient Egypt (by both men and women).

"The sky and its stars make music to you
The sun and the moon praise you
The gods sing to you."
Hymn to Hathor at Denderah, Egypt

Her figure is found in many ancient myths, religions and traditions. She is the ancient Vac (Hindu Goddess), mother of the Vedas: Vac, Vaca, Voc, Voz, Voice. Logos in Ancient Greece. Mama Killa, Pachamama for the indigenous people of the Andes in South America. Ana, Danu/Dana in Celtic Ireland.

As told in Vedas. "Truth is one, the sages speak of it by many names." Rig Veda Samhita 1.164. 46

The Seven Hathor, at Denderah, Egypt
The nursing cow goddess
Denderah, Egypt

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Fenix, a state of mind.

Tibetan Singing Bowl

Origins: Egyptian goddess associated later with Isis and, earlier with Sekhmet. She is closely associated with the primeval divine cow Mehet-Weret, a sky goddess whose name means "Great Flood" and who was thought to bring the inundation of the Nile River which fertilised the land. Hathor came to be regarded as the mother of the sun god Ra and held a prominent place in his barge as it sailed across the night sky, into the underworld, and rose again at dawn. Her name means "Domain of Horus" or "Temple of Horus" which alludes to two concepts. The first allusion is to the part of the sky where the king (or dead king) could be rejuvenated and continue rule (or live again) while the second is to the myth that Horus, as sun god, entered her mouth each night to rest and returned with the dawn. In both cases, her name has to do with re-birth, rejuvenation, inspiration, and light. Her relationship with the sky identified her with Venus, the evening and morning star.

She is the patron goddess of joy, celebration, and love and was associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and with Venus by the Romans.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, E.A. Wallis Budge
Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt, Jan Assmann
The Hermetica, philosophical texts.