Fenix, a state of mind. Free Shipping for orders over €90 (ROI).


Natural incense blends created with sensory pleasure in mind. Made by hand from sacred plants.

Creating the most pure incense blends for at-home rituals and meditation practice.

Proud markers of the authentic Breu resin incense blends, since 1990.

"We believe that incense goes far beyond aroma. When made with good intention, it is a great medium to help us connect to our nature, to change our perception and to bring a deeper sense of well-being and stillness." 

At Fenix, we want to restore the connection that ancient civilisations and indigenous people had with nature and the wisdom they gained from it. We are aware that a plant can open our heart and calm the mind, that the sap from trees can balance our feelings and emotions and a spice can make us feel empowered.

We believe that rituals and meditation play an essential part in mental health, personal well-being and development. We love what we do and for us incense goes far beyond aroma. When made with love and good intentions, it is a powerful medium that helps us alter our state of mind and the space around us for the better.

The sense of smell is believed to be the most primitive sense present in mammals, closely associated with memory, controlling our mood, behaviour, emotions and feelings: from desire to power, vitality to relaxation.

We use nature's gifts to serve you!

Fenix, a state of mind.


Production Line & Raw Material